Nato Military Police - On May 25, 2017, the NATO Military Police Center celebrated its third anniversary of accreditation by the North Atlantic Commission.

The main part of the event was held at the center's flagpole in the presence of the High Representative of Poland, COL Wojciech Czerwiński, in accordance with the rules of the Polish award on the occasion of NATO COE Deputy Day. Center Director Colonel Grzegorz WASIELEWSKI recognized NATO MP COE's military and civilian staff for their exemplary conduct and outstanding dedication to their mission. 15 officers, 2 majors, 2 commanders and 1 civilian were awarded. The event was also attended by participants of the annual Military Police Tactics Course 2017-4.

Nato Military Police

Nato Military Police

On Saturday, May 27th, a barbecue meeting was organized to mark COE Day of NATO MPs. Many members of the MP family have been involved in this work. The head of the center provided many tourist attractions to the participants. One of them was the amazing river bus tour. another barbecue. During the barbecue, the MP family got to know each other better. It was generally an unforgettable experience.

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On 16-20 October 2017, the NATO MP COE held the 5th edition of the MPSrNCOC. This time we refer to 2017-2 (MPSrNCOC17-2). During the event, representatives from 11 NATO countries and 1 NATO partner country (total of 21 students) had the opportunity to not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but also to apply their newly acquired skills in intensive syndicated work.

The primary purpose of MPSrNCOC17-2 is to provide detailed information on administrative and personnel matters, advise Military Police (MP) company commanders intentions while operating in a NATO/multinational environment, and prepare MP personnel to operate in NATO. is to do. /Increase working knowledge of MP capabilities for enterprise-level multinational environments. Specifically, the following important factors affecting multinational MPs were discussed: the diversity of NATO-level structures and the level of experience at different levels in a particular country; the influence of cultural perceptions on MP leadership; It opposes the various management and personnel problem-solving mechanisms of multinational MP companies. The importance of security and the impact of security breaches in a NATO/multinational environment.

The results of MPSrNCOC17-2 were very positive and the exercises met all NATO standards and thus the main objectives were fully met. The external and internal brief lectures addressed the most important questions in future awareness related to the various problem packages related to MPs mentioned above, to the greatest appreciation of the participants.

It should also be noted that the lectures clarified the MP capabilities of individual countries in NATO/multinational environments and a major portion advised commanders on MP deployment in NATO/multinational led operations using complex case scenarios. .

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It was also the perfect opportunity to expand the community of interested MPs and make new connections and friendships.

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